Referral ID: 168334 (Vincees)


The Phase 10 Kit is sent via USA MAIL ONLY




New creative money-making plan revealed!
It’s forcing people to make money!

You can't help but make money with what I am showing you!
I want to get you started earning money IMMEDIATELY and I can do that because I PAY DAILY! I'm talking about 100% commissions right from the start!

It's simple!
It's Easy!
It's Fast!
It's Affordable!
It's Lucrative!
My automatic system will take you from your spending $2 and four Forever stamps to you receiving ten income streams, all at one time, forcing you to earn $10,000 monthly and more! It will allow you to lead others and YOU WILL CERTAINLY HAVE MANY, MANY FOLLOWERS who will do the same.

Your first step is to simply get started by choosing one of the options below. This will automatically qualify you for immediate commissions!

Option 1

Print out the form using the "Print" button below, fill it in, and mail it in.

Option 2

Fill out the form below and pay securely using PayPal.

Begin receiving money IMMEDIATELY by selecting A, B, C or D below:

I want to begin earning money IMMEDIATELY via the Phase 10 program! Pay $2(plus $3 for stamps) using Paypal. You will receive the Phase 10 Start-Up package.

I want to jump-start my Phase 10 income. Please qualify me for the first THREE INCOME STREAMS! Pay $17(plus $8 for stamps) using Paypal. You will receive the Phase 10 Start-Up Package AND a bonus of 90 premium buyer leads on peel and stick labels. This provides you the opportunity to IMMEDIATELY receive money from THREE INCOME STREAMS!
I want to thrust my income even more by qualifying for the first five phases/income streams of the Phase 10 program. Pay $80 (plus $15 for stamps) total of $95 using PayPal. You will receive the Phase 10 Start-Up Package AND 180 premium buyer leads on peel and stick labels. This provides you the opportunity to IMMEDIATELY receive money from FIVE INCOME STREAMS.
I want to vault my income even more by qualifying for the first six phases/income streams of the Phase 10 program, thus becoming a Bronze Star Member providing discounts on leads, co-ops and print and mail service. Pay $185 + (plus $35 for stamps) total of $220 using PayPal. You will receive the Phase 10 Start-Up Package AND 240 premium buyer leads on peel and stick labels. This provides you the opportunity to IMMEDIATELY receive money from SIX INCOME STREAMS and become a BRONZE STAR LEADER WITHIN PHASE 10.

*NOTE: If you do NOT want to pay via PayPal, print this out and circle what you want and postal mail along with cash or money order to: Lon Lindsey, 1917 Antonia Place, Lady Lake, FL 32159

Begin receiving money IMMEDIATELY by selecting A or B below:

___ A. I want to begin earning money IMMEDIATELY via the Phase 10 program! Send $2 and four Forever stamps. You will receive the Phase 10 Start-Up package.

___ B. I want to jump-start my Phase 10 income. Please qualify me for the first THREE INCOME STREAMS! Send $17 cash or money order AND 15 Forever stamps. You will receive the Phase 10 Start-Up Package AND a bonus of 90 premium buyer leads on peel and stick labels. This provides you the opportunity to IMMEDIATELY receive money from THREE INCOME STREAMS! Please PRINT the following information:

Send cash or a money order with the appropriate number of stamps and this flyer to:
Lon Lindsey, 1917 Antonia Place, Lady Lake, FL 32159

Not Available in SD
24-hour message • (502) 493-3210